Animal Testing Policy
At Blossom & Browne’s Sycamore, we do not believe that products need or should be tested on animals to ensure safety for human beings. Not only is this not an efficient or equivalent testing model, it causes unspeakable cruelty and inflicts pain and death on animals, while there are in vitro tests that provide as good if not better results.
We therefore have a policy of avoiding purchase or use of products that are tested on animals, and of purchasing any products from companies who engage or are involved with animal testing for their products.
Many companies state that they do not test their products unless it is required by law. We believe that this is not good enough. We believe that selling products in China where by law they must be tested on animals is unethical, and therefore we actively seek out this information about our suppliers and exclude those whom we find to be anything less than pro-actively working to end all animal testing.
We ask stringent questions of our suppliers, especially since since we purchase and use chemicals for washing and dry cleaning which in the past would have been the types of products tested on animals.
Our cleaning products provider does not test on animals, and ensures that the ingredients it uses are not tested on animals, and has an animal testing policy of its own.
We screen potential suppliers using the Vegan Rabbit list of animal testers.
View this policy, signed by our Managing Director here.

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